
Optimize Your WordPress SEO to Increase Site Traffic

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If you’re looking for a way to increase your WordPress SEO, consider revamping some of your old blog posts. Optimizing existing posts allows you to see which posts have the potential to rank and know which keywords gained traction.

There are several ways to optimize your WordPress SEO. Free tools – like Google Search Console are great places to start. Google Search Console will display a list of all your pages, including the number of clicks and impressions. Then, you can focus on the posts that’ll give you the highest gains.

Once you know which posts you want to work on, it’s time to figure out which WordPress SEO keywords to target. Yoast’s free WordPress plugin allows you to enter your keyword and it’ll spit out recommendations. Try to improve the keywords it doesn’t like.

While this will definitely get you started, there are a couple other things you can do to improve your WordPress SEO. You can add more subheadings, edit grammar issues, add images with alternative text, and update your sources.

David Schneider, over at Ninja Outreach, used this WordPress SEO strategy to optimize his girlfriend’s blog, taking it from 40,000 visitors a month to over 60,000!

To learn more, check out the link below: https://www.thehoth.com/blog/wordpres…

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