WEST MONROE – The West Monroe-West Ouachita Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the winners of its 2013 Diplomat of the Year Award.
The WMWO Chamber of Commerce has named two of its Diplomats as the 2013 Diplomats of the Year. Those Diplomats are Caleb Ingram, Vice President and Chief Operating Office of My Wants, Inc. and David Massey, owner of Massey’s Meat Market.
The announcement was made this week by West Monroe-West Ouachita Chamber of Commerce President Courtney Hornsby.
“On behalf of the West Monroe-West Ouachita Chamber of Commerce staff and Board of Directors, we congratulate Mr. Ingram and Mr. Massey on being named as Diplomats of the Year,” said Courtney Hornsby, WMWO Chamber of Commerce President. “Both men have given of their time and talents this past year to assist the Chamber of Commerce and are dedicated to the growth and success of this community. We commend them for their hard work and dedication.”
WMWO Chamber of Commerce Diplomats are a group of volunteers made up of local business people of all ages who serve as the eyes and ears of the Chamber of Commerce. Diplomats represent the Chamber at various Chamber events and ribbon cuttings and have their finger on the pulse of the local business community.
Diplomats meet monthly for lunch at a local venue where they are given the chance to network with one another and learn information on a local community or business issue. There is no fee to become a Chamber Diplomat.
For more information about the WMWO Chamber of Commerce or to become a Chamber Diplomat, please call the WMWO Chamber of Commerce at (318) 325-1961 or email [email protected].